A living room is still not complete unless it has chairs, tables, cabinets and other furniture. convenience becomes a desire for all occupants of the house, but we must also bear in mind that the designs of furniture that can decorate the living room becomes more beautiful and interesting course. thing like the one shown below, a modern sofa made? by Italian designer Mauro Lipparini for Saporiti Italy Sofa called Extreme. Developed a collection of sofas, chairs and tables, and basic tables whose main characteristics are defined, but at the same time, whose geometries and finishes are completely free and fully customizable by the end user.
Large platforms that support sofas and chairs can be set freely, seats and cushions, very flexible in shape and structural components to allow for different degrees of comfort and various uses. The materials used for these sofas are refined and sophisticated, ranging from the fabric, decorated or laser cutting leather for Foglizzo, the exclusive fabric collection Saporiti Italy, to the mat or high gloss lacquered platforms. The tables also, shapes, finishes and surfaces can be fully customized. Its surface can be made of wood or lacquer and can be decorated with inlaid patterns refined designs, made with traditional materials such as wood or precious metals, but also with innovative metals such as steel, aluminum , titanium.