aris-based designer Matali Crasset has designed a chair and footrest Domeau and Peres. Orange chair is a throwback to "Jim Mount quand à Paris", the mobile entertainment column published by Domeau and Peres in 2000. For this renewed partnership with Domean and Pérès, Matali sought to register the management of knowledge and skills of these editors of furniture.
The detailed project design emphasizes the 3D imaging industry, designed with an ingenious tapestry sewn domain. Made of several layers of birch and leather, "Orange Lounge Chair" is an original set consists of a chair and footrest. This project offers choice of seats. There is nothing hidden, particularly under a wooden couch, which is essential to remain visible and has a curved structure.
The birch plywood testimony to the acumen of a good command of the consolidation of the fiber. The framework adopts the role of comfort, continuing with embedded symbolic partitions, beckoning for assimilation and dialogue. The sofa back to the basics of comfort, the omission of arms, paying no attention to posture or representation. This is still the quintessence of letting go and feel as one with the well-being.